Texas High Risk Pool

ACA Admin Nightmares - Welcome To Reality!

With 14 days left in this Special Open Enrollment period for the initial sign up period of the Affordable Care Act I feel a bit exhausted and vindicated that many of my predictions about the roll out have come to fruition. This post isn't about "I was right", it is really about perspective and trying to craft a strategy that will help us navigate the current environment.

Let me dive straight in and offer a quick summary of the current situation and provide some guidance.

Healthcare.Gov Misconceptions and Failures

Still A Mess

We are almost 7 weeks into the rollout of Obamacare (Affordable Care Act) and I think we can agree that the execution of the implementation has been less than perfect. There are many issues that persist with the ability to access the Healthcare.gov website as connectivity has been brought down to try to fix the structural issues with the flawed portal.

In this post I want to highlight some misconceptions I am seeing that you need to know about right now.

Myth Busting Obamacare - 9 Myths You Need To Know!

Our team is on the phone almost all day long. We speak to so many wonderfully unique Texans that range from health experts to lost searchers needing assistance. We love the diversity of clients that reach out to us and we have made incredible friends with many of them. Interestingly, every conversations we have lately includes some untruth that people have heard or some myth that they've been "sold". To kick off another week of blissful Open Enrollment, we wanted to highlight 9 myths we've heard and try to find some clarity amid all of the noise.

5 Reasons Healthcare.Gov Is Bad

The "Obamacare" experience has been less than advertised so far for many US citizens looking for health insurance. The White House and the Department of Health and Human Services have been quiet about the actual rates of enrollment over the last two weeks, but clearly the real figures can't be good, or else we would have been told the great news.

Glitches, Unknowns, Misprints & Delays

Day two of the Affordable Care Act's Open Enrollment period and we've continued to see issues with folks attempting to get traction in the form of finding an affordable plan and actually signing up.

While the biggest compliant we've heard from callers is that they simply can't get in, we have much bigger reservations as we dive into specific details in the plan offerings and also find issues with each insurer.

Government Shutdown? What Happens?

We've seen some interesting theatrics of late in the political world and I quickly wanted to write a post in order to clear up some confusion. We are getting emails and comments concerned about the threatened government shutdown and what that might do to the implementation of the Affordable Care Act or more affectionately known as "Obamacare".
